unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


The Government authorizes the ratification of ILO Protocol No. 29 for the fight against forced labour

The Protocol related to International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 29 represents a commitment by the State to prevent and eliminate forced labour, with particular attention to new forms of human trafficking and labour exploitation. The main objective is to provide greater protection to victims and facilitate access to adequate compensation mechanisms. As part of this initiative, the Council of Ministers has recently approved a draft bill aimed at ratifying and implementing Protocol No. 29, adopted in Geneva in 2014.

The Protocol focuses on strengthening actions aimed at ensuring the full implementation of the Convention itself, with a particular emphasis on the suppression of all forms of forced and compulsory labour. The main goal is to provide increased protection to victims and facilitate access to adequate compensation mechanisms, while prosecuting those who are directly involved. To this end, countries adhering to the Protocol are required to develop a national policy and an action plan that includes systematic and coordinated intervention guidelines by the relevant authorities. These efforts aim to create a stronger framework for combating forced labour and ensuring greater protection of the victims.