Application forms in 9 languages to request the intervention of labour inspectors 

15 Dicembre 2022
The National Labour Inspectorate has published the forms to request the inspection intervention, in ...
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Fondazione Moressa: XII Rapporto annuale sull’economia dell’Immigrazione – Salgono ingressi per lavoro, ma molto inferiori a media Ue  

7 Dicembre 2022
Il 14 Novembre è stato presentato a Roma il Rapporto annuale 2022 sull’economia dell’Immigrazione ...
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Leone Moressa Foundation: XII annual report on the economics of immigration – The number of persons entering the labour market is increasing but it remains much smaller than the EU average 

7 Dicembre 2022
On November 14 was presented in Rome the 2022 Annual Report on the Economics ...
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Fondation Moressa : XII Rapport annuel sur l’économie de l’immigration – Les entrées pour le travail augmentent, mais restent bien inférieures à la moyenne de l’UE  

7 Dicembre 2022
Le 14 novembre a été présenté à Rome le Rapport annuel 2022 sur l’économie de ...
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تقدم مؤسسة موريسا التقرير السنوي الثاني عشر عن اقتصاديات الهجرة – مداخل أعلى للعمل، لكنها أقل بكثير من المتوسط الأوروبي 

7 Dicembre 2022
في 14 نوفمبر، تم تقديم التقرير السنوي لعام 2022 عن اقتصاديات الهجرة لمؤسسة ليون ...
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Tirocini formativi per cittadini stranieri residenti all’estero: pubblicato il nuovo Vademecum del Ministero del Lavoro e Anpal Servizi per fornire informazioni e supporto sulle procedure di attivazione e sulle regole dei tirocini 

1 Dicembre 2022
Il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, con il contributo di ANPAL Servizi, ...
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Formative internships for foreign nationals residing abroad: published the new Vademecum of the Ministry of Labour and Anpal Services to provide information and support on activation procedures and the rules of internships 

1 Dicembre 2022
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, with the contribution of ANPAL Services, has ...
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Stages de formation pour les ressortissants étrangers résidant à l’étranger: publié le nouveau Vade-mecum du Ministère du Travail et Anpal Services pour fournir des informations et soutien sur les procédures d’activation et les règles des stages 

1 Dicembre 2022
Le Ministère du Travail et des Politiques Sociales, avec la contribution de ANPAL Services, ...
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تدريب الرعايا الأجانب المقيمين في الخارج نشر التقرير الجديد لوزارة العمل وخدمات الأنبال لتوفير المعلومات والدعم بشأن إجراءات التنشيط وقواعد التدريب الداخلي

1 Dicembre 2022
أعدت وزارة العمل والسياسة الاجتماعية، بمساهمة من وكالة أنبال سيرفيزي، التقرير المتعلق بتفعيل عمليات ...
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Presentato il documento a cura del BusinessEurope: “Understanding shortage occupations and the potential of third country migration in helping to address employers’ needs” 

15 Novembre 2022
Il settore agricolo si trova oggi a far fronte ad una serie di sfide ...
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