unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


White Paper on the management of Economic Migration: Indications and Proposals for the Redesign of Governance Schemes of Economic Migration and Procedures for the Meeting of Foreign Labour Supply and Demand

After a consultation process with the people who work in the economy and society, the Economics and Labour Sector of ISMU Foundation has made a White Paper on the Government of Economic Migration. This tool offers information and ideas for people who are involved in managing migration processes and including migrants.

This work of the ISMU Foundation aims to build a platform for discussion and confrontation between political and social forces, with the aim of facilitating the adoption of measures to promote the management of economic migration oriented to criteria of coherence with the needs of the economic and social system, protection of the rights of migrants and all other workers.

The first part of the volume summarizes some trends of context that it is necessary to keep in mind to set any hypothesis of intervention on the theme of immigration. The second part contains indications to strengthen the effectiveness of the economic migration management  system.

It was presented in Rome on 26 January 2023, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry and the Under-Secretary of Labour and Social Policy, as well as representatives of the Government and the European Commission. 

For more details: https://www.ismu.org/libro-bianco-sul-governo-delle-migrazioni-economiche/