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comunicazione | 11 May 2023 | 0 Comments

Task force against labour exploitation: in one year, 47 have denounced the employers

There are as many as 19 penal procedures for labour exploitation initiated during 2022 by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Prato thanks to the group of prevention and contrast to the phenomenon established at the end of 2021 with the renewal of the anti-exploitation protocol between the Municipality, Prosecutor’s Office, Region, Asl Toscana Centro, unions, Anti-Trafficking System and University Research Center.

The proceedings of 2022 are more than one third of the total put together since 2016, the year of the reform of Article 603a on labour exploitation.

The inspections, carried out also with other bodies, were 77. Of the 680 identified workers, 500 were Chinese. The cooperating victims said they worked 12 to 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, for wages often paid by the piece or hours. Holidays and sickness are not contemplated and do not come pay. From January 2022 to last February, 46 men and one woman, including many Pakistanis and Bengalis, but also three Chinese, denounced their working conditions. The places of exploitation are mainly Chinese-run clothing companies.

More information: http://www.notiziediprato.it/news/la-task-force-antisfruttamento-funziona-in-un-anno-in-47-hanno-denunciato-i-datori-di-lavoro