unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 14 March 2024 | 0 Comments

Protocol for promoting the socio-economic integration of foreign citizens in vulnerable conditions in the territory of the province of Isernia

A protocol of understanding has been signed at the Prefecture of Isernia to facilitate the socio-economic integration of asylum seekers, beneficiaries of international protection, and other foreign citizens in vulnerable conditions. The protocol is the outcome of collaboration between the Ministries of the Interior and Labour and Social Policies, as well as social partners in the construction sector, and local institutions.

The agreement aims to provide an avenue for growth both for migrants, often arriving in Italy for economic reasons, and for the provincial territory grappling with the challenges of the economic downturn. The presidents of ANCE-Molise and the Molise Building School emphasized the strategic significance of the construction sector in the regional economy and underscored the necessity of mapping local companies seeking manpower and providing training for workers through professional development programs focusing on workplace safety and related areas.

Among the measures stipulated in the protocol are the involvement of ANCE in the evaluation of interested companies, dissemination of information by trade unions to asylum seekers accommodated in reception centers regarding employment opportunities, and provision of training by the building school to interested migrants, with training courses spanning at least 80 hours. The protocol has an initial duration of one year, with the possibility of renewal, and entails the establishment of a steering committee to oversee its implementation and ensure its long-term success.