unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 20 July 2023 | 0 Comments

Prefecture of Messina signs Protocol for the socio-occupational integration of vulnerable migrants in the construction sector

The Prefect of Messina, Cosima Di Stani, has recently signed a protocol aimed at providing training paths and job opportunities in the construction sector to foreign citizens who are asylum seekers and holders of international protection, as well as those in vulnerable conditions. This initiative falls within the framework of a national agreement between the Ministries of the Interior and Labour, the National Association of Construction Companies (ANCE), and some trade unions. The protocol envisages the establishment of a dedicated working group to organize training courses necessary for operating within construction sites. The teachings will provide practical tools to effectively integrate into the world of work.

Once the training courses have been successfully completed, the participants will receive certificates that certify the skills they have acquired during the training. The ultimate objective of the protocol is to facilitate the employment of numerous participants by helping them secure employment contracts with individual construction companies. Indeed, this agreement represents a significant step forward in supporting and integrating vulnerable foreign citizens into the Italian job market, offering them concrete opportunities for growth and active contribution in the construction sector. It is hoped that this initiative will foster greater social inclusion and better integration of the foreign population into the local community. By providing training and employment opportunities, the protocol aims to empower these individuals and enable them to become productive members of society, thereby enriching the overall community.

To find out more: https://integrazionemigranti.gov.it/it-it/Ricerca-news/Dettaglio-news/id/3279/Protocollo-in-prefettura-a-Messina-per-linserimento-socio-lavorativo-di-vulnerabili-in-edilizia