unione europea
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ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 27 July 2023 | 0 Comments

Improvement of Migrant Integration in OECD Countries: Achievements in the Labour Market

In recent years, OECD countries have made significant efforts to enhance the integration of migrants into society and the labour market. The new OECD-EU Commission report on integration indices reveals that numerous advancements have been achieved, yet substantial challenges still remain. One of the sectors witnessing substantial improvement is labour market integration. With labour shortages across various occupations and industries, host countries have recognized the value of migrants as a valuable resource to support economic growth and fill vacant positions. The increasing availability of migrant workers has led to a rise in workplace diversity, enriching the work environment with talents and skills from diverse cultures.

An element contributing to the improvement of labour market integration is the educational level of newcomers. An increasing number of migrants possess higher education, which makes them more suitable for highly skilled occupations and enables them to meet the demands of the modern labour market. However, despite the advancements in the labour market, the report highlights a growing concern regarding the living conditions of migrants. In this realm, improvements have been less apparent, posing a significant challenge for OECD countries. Providing dignified and adequate living conditions for migrants is crucial to facilitate genuine integration into the host society.

For more information: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/1d5020a6-en.pdf?expires=1692293663&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=91A2343748F9D7D06D0C92C924D9117C