unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 2 March 2023 | 0 Comments

“Foreigners in the Italian labour market “: published the six-monthly note by the General Directorate of Immigration and Integration Policies

On February 8th was published  the Note “Foreigners in the Italian labour market “, edited by the General Directorate of Immigration and Integration Policies of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, with the support of Anpal Services.

The data show a positive trend in employment dynamics for both Italians and foreigners. The phenomenon of labour displacement from the labour force to inactivity during 2020 following the SARS-COV-2 pandemic seems to have returned.

In total, between the second quarter of 2021 and the second quarter of 2022, the number of employees increased by more than 500,000, more than 100,000 of which related to foreign nationals.

In addition, we must consider the approximately 66,500 additional contracts that have been activated during the same period, of which more than 19,000 for Community and non-EU workers.

For more details: https://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/AnteprimaPDF.aspx?id=3702