unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 1 June 2023 | 0 Comments

Afghan Refugees Begin Arriving In Italy Through Humanitarian Corridor

A first group of nine people have arrived from Pakistan in Rome using a humanitarian corridor established by the Italian government, charities, and international organizations. The first beneficiaries, along with 3 members of their families, will now be hosted in Florence and Milan. These are civil engineers, graphic designers, dentists and other professionals, who will be joined by a second group of 6 beneficiaries.

The initiative is based on an innovative form of collaboration between Caritas Italiana and Consorzio Communitas. Caritas Italiana deals with the identification of beneficiaries in need of international protection in countries of first asylum within the protocols of humanitarian corridors, their transfer to Italy. Consorzio Communitas guarantees contact with companies, company mentoring, job training and constant support.

The employment of the refugee person is one of the important innovations of the experimentation because it ensures sustainability in the time of reception and a greater certainty of integration of the refugee person.

The corridors are promoted and realised by the Italian Episcopal Conference as part of the EU-Passworld project co-financed by the Amif fund, the experimentation is the first European level and starts from the positive experiences of humanitarian corridors, that have seen more than six thousand people arrive in Italy in the last 3 years.